Modelling of wind power plant controller, wind speed time series, aggregation and sample results

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    This report describes the modelling of a wind power plant (WPP) including its controller. Several ancillary services like inertial response (IR), power oscillation damping (POD) and synchronising power (SP) are implemented. The focus in this document is on the performance of the WPP output and not the impact of the WPP on the power system. By means of simulation tests, the capability of the implemented wind power plant model to deliver ancillary services is investigated.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDTU Wind Energy
    Number of pages38
    ISBN (Electronic)978-87-93278-25-7
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    SeriesDTU Wind Energy E


    • DTU Wind Energy E-0080
    • DTU Wind Energy E-80


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