Modelling of environmental impacts from biological treatment of organic municipal waste in EASEWASTE

Alessio Boldrin, Trine Lund Neidel, Anders Damgaard, Gurbakhash S. Bhander, Jacob Møller, Thomas Højlund Christensen

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    The waste-LCA model EASEWASTE quantifies potential environmental effects from biological treatment of organic waste, based on mass and energy flows, emissions to air, water, soil and groundwater as well as effects from upstream and downstream processes. Default technologies for composting, anaerobic digestion and combinations hereof are available in the model, but the user can change all key parameters in the biological treatment module so that specific local plants and processes can be modelled. EASEWASTE is one of the newest waste LCA models and the biological treatment module was built partly on features of earlier waste-LCA models, but offers additional facilities, more flexibility, transparency and user-friendliness. The paper presents the main features of the module and provides some examples illustrating the capability of the model in environmentally assessing and discriminating the environmental performance of alternative biological treatment technologies in relation to their mass flows, energy consumption, gaseous emissions, biogas recovery and compost/digestate utilization.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalWaste Management
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)619-630
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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