Modelling nonlinear electro-mechanical effects in nano-heterostructures using domain-decomposition methods

L.X. Wang, Morten Willatzen, R.V.N. Melnik

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


In this work, a continuumthree-dimensional axi-symmetricalmodel for a nonlinearcoupled multiphysics system is constructed accounting for self-consistency in electromechanical fields. A cylindrical GaN/AIN wurtzite nano-heterostructure is considered so as to simplify the mathematical problem to a two-dimensional model. To cope with the inherent discontinuity of the physical parameters and lattice mismatch across the interface, the domain-decomposition strategy is combined together with the Chebyshev spectral methods for the numerical analysis of the nonlinear problem. We report numerical results in the current presentation. We provide details on continuous mechanical and electric displacements and quantify jumps of discontinuities in the electric fields and strain distributions occurring across the interface between the two material. The importance of using a nonlinear model (with electrostriction) is investigated by comparison with a linear model (without electrostriction). We also point out significant differences qualitatively in the self-consistent electric fields and strains found using a two-dimensional and a one-dimensional model analysis. © 2008 Civil-Comp Press.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology
Number of pages11
PublisherCivil-Comp Press
Publication date2008
ISBN (Print)978-190508824-9
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes
Event6th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology - Athens, Greece
Duration: 2 Sept 20085 Sept 2008
Conference number: 6


Conference6th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology


  • Domain decomposition methods
  • Electric fields
  • Electrostriction
  • Interfaces (materials)
  • Lattice mismatch
  • Numerical analysis
  • Strain
  • Two dimensional
  • Zinc sulfide
  • Heterojunctions


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