Modeling the AC power flow equations with optimally compact neural networks: Application to unit commitment

Alyssa Kody, Samuel Chevalier, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Daniel Molzahn

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Nonlinear power flow constraints render a variety of power system optimization problems computationally intractable. Emerging research shows, however, that the nonlinear AC power flow equations can be successfully modeled using neural networks. These neural networks can be exactly transformed into mixed integer linear programs and embedded inside challenging optimization problems, thus replacing nonlinearities that are intractable for many applications with tractable piecewise linear approximations. Such approaches, though, suffer from an explosion of the number of binary variables needed to represent the neural network. Accordingly, this paper develops a technique for training an “optimally compact” neural network, i.e., one that can represent the power flow equations with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy while still maintaining a tractable number of binary variables. We demonstrate the use of this neural network as an approximator of the nonlinear power flow equations by embedding it in the AC unit commitment problem, transforming the problem from a mixed integer nonlinear program into a more manageable mixed integer linear program. We use the 14-, 57-, and 89-bus networks as test cases and compare the AC-feasibility of commitment decisions resulting from the neural network, DC, and linearized power flow approximations. Our results show that the neural network model outperforms both the DC and linearized power flow approximations when embedded in the unit commitment problem. The neural network formulation most often selects a feasible unit commitment schedule, and furthermore, it only selects an infeasible schedule if both the linear and DC methods are infeasible as well.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108282
JournalElectric Power Systems Research
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • AC power flow
  • AC unit commitment (AC-UC)
  • Mixed-integer linear program (MILP)
  • Neural networks
  • Piecewise linear model


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