Modeling and optimization of a spherical triboelectric generator

Jens Gravesen, Morten Willatzen*, Jiajia Shao, Zhong Lin Wang

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A detailed geometric analysis of spherical triboelectric nanogenerators is presented. In comparison with earlier works on spherical triboelectric generators, the general case where the moving dielectric rolls on the inside surface of the larger sphere of the TENG is discussed in terms of maximum energy harvesting. An optimization analysis of geometrical parameters allows various cases of electrode geometry, either in the form of a spherical circle, spherical ellipse, spherical rectangle, or spherical isosceles trapezium, to be solved. The analytical insight and computational effective models provided by differential geometry make the mathematical model superior compared to standard three-dimensional (3D) numerical methods.

Original languageEnglish
JournalNano Research
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)11925–11931
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Differential geometry analysis
  • Electrode shape study
  • Modeling and optimization
  • Spherical triboelectric nanogenerator


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