Minimum Q Electrically Small Antennas

O. S. Kim

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    Theoretically, the minimum radiation quality factor Q of an isolated resonance can be achieved in a spherical electrically small antenna by combining TM1m and TE1m spherical modes, provided that the stored energy in the antenna spherical volume is totally suppressed. Using closed-form expressions for the stored energies obtained through the vector spherical wave theory, it is shown that a magnetic-coated metal core reduces the internal stored energy of both TM1m and TE1m modes simultaneously, so that a self-resonant antenna with the Q approaching the fundamental minimum is created. Numerical results for a multiarm spherical helix antenna confirm the theoretical predictions. For example, a 4-arm spherical helix antenna with a magnetic-coated perfectly electrically conducting core (ka=0.254) exhibits the Q of 0.66 times the Chu lower bound, or 1.25 times the minimum Q.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalI E E E Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
    Issue number8
    Pages (from-to)3551-3558
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • Chu lower bound
    • Circular polarization
    • Electric dipole
    • Electrically small antennas
    • Fundamental limitations
    • Magnetic dipole
    • Quality factor


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