Mildew-resistant mutants induced in North American two- and six-rowed malting barley cultivars

J.L. Molina-Cano, J.P. Simiand, A. Sopena, A.M. Perez-Vendrell, S.M Dorsch, D. Rubiales, J.S. Swanston, A. Jahoor

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Mildew-resistant mutants were induced with sodium azide in three North American malting barley cultivars, two in the six-rowed Ursula (URS1 and URS2), one in the six-rowed Gertrud (GER1), and one in the two-rowed Prudentia (PRU1). Two of the mutants, URS1 and PRU1, showed complete resistance and were shown to have two new alleles at the mlo locus; these were designated, respectively, mlo31 and mlo32. Mutant URS2, showing partial resistance, was inherited as a dominant gene, but was not an allele at the Mla locus. The mean yield of each mutant was higher than that of its parental line, but yield levels varied across environments, although this was independent of the severity of the mildew attack. Other reasons, for example, the severity of the necrotic lesions in the mutants, may account for yield variations. The malting quality of the GER1 mutant proved similar to that of Gertrud, but both URS1 and URS2 showed lower malt extract than Ursula. This lower extract might be due to the smaller grain size of the mutants that could, in turn, result from necrotic lesions in the leaves, as implied by the effects on grain yield.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)1278-1287
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


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