Mid‐infrared multispectral tissue imaging using a chalcogenide fiber supercontinuum source

Christian Rosenberg Petersen*, Nikola Prtljaga, Mark Farries, Jon Ward, Bruce Napier, Gavin Rhys Lloyd, Jayakrupakar Nallala, Nick Stone, Ole Bang

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    We present the first demonstration of mid‐infrared supercontinuum tissue imaging at wavelengths beyond 5 μm using a fiber‐coupled supercontinuum source spanning 2‐7.5 μm. The supercontinuum was generated in a tapered large mode area chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber in order to obtain broad bandwidth, high average power, and single‐mode output for diffraction‐limited imaging performance. Tissue imaging was demonstrated in transmission at selected wavelengths between 5.7μm (1754 cm‐1) and 7.3μm (1370 cm‐1) by point scanning over a sub‐mm region of colon tissue, and the results were compared to images obtained from a commercial instrument
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalOptics Letters
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)999-1002
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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