Microgrippers: A case study for batch-compatible integration of MEMS with nanostructures

Özlem Sardan, B. Erdem Alaca, Arda Deniz Yalcinkaya, Peter Bøggild, Peter Torben Tang, Ole Hansen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


A batch- compatible integration of micro- electro- mechanical systems ( MEMS) with nanoscale objects is demonstrated using the example of a gripping device with nanoscale end- effectors. The proposed nanofabrication technique is based on creating a certain number of nanowires/ ribbons on a planar surface, each with a known orientation, using self- assembled crack networks as a template. Since both the location and orientation of the nanowires/ ribbons are known, the gripping device can be lithographically transferred on to the substrate ensuring full integration of MEMS with nanoscale end- effectors. Two nanowires/ ribbons are attached to each MEMS solely at desired locations with a desired inclination in contrast to most other self- assembly- based techniques of growing nanoscale objects. Challenges unique to MEMS fabrication are encountered raising process requirements beyond those of the simple electrode - nanowire integration. With issues related to yield and end- effector geometry remaining to be studied further, the method proposes a true batch fabrication for nanoscale objects and their integration with MEMS, which does not require the use of nano- lithographic techniques.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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