Methods to assess secondary volatile lipid oxidation products in complex food matrices

Charlotte Jacobsen, Betül Yesiltas

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearch


A range of different methods are available to determine secondary volatile lipid oxidation products. These methods include e.g. spectrophotometric determination of anisidine values and TBARS as well as GC based methods for determination of specific volatile oxidation products such as pentanal and hexanal. Different extraction methods for extracting volatiles before GC analysis can be used, e.g static headspace, dynamic headspace and solid phase microextraction. Traditionally, dynamic headspace extraction has been performed manually. However, recently automated dynamic headspace methods have become available. This presentation will briefly discuss advantages and disadvantages of spectrophotometric methods versus GC- based methods. Moreover, the different extraction methods used for GC-based analysis will be discussed and examples on results obtained with SPME, the traditional and the automated dynamic headspace methods on the same food matrices will be presented.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2013
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventAmerican Oil Chemists Society Annual meeting and Expo 2013 - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 28 Apr 20131 May 2013


ConferenceAmerican Oil Chemists Society Annual meeting and Expo 2013


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