The invention relates to an efficient process for removing NOx, and specifically the most abundant NOx component NO, from flue gasses from e.g. large stationary sources. Said process comprises a method for converting nitric oxide (NO) from a gas stream, where the gas stream contains more than one gaseous compound. Said method comprises two steps, a) pre-mixing the gas stream with at least one low molecular mass alcohol, and b) oxidizing said NO to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and other HxNyOz species in the presence of the low molecular mass alcohol present in the gas stream, by use of a supported ionic liquid phase catalyst at relatively low temperatures.
Original language | English |
IPC | B01D 53/ 94 A I |
Patent number | WO2019048017 |
Filing date | 06/09/2018 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 07/09/2017 |
Priority number | DK2017PA70670 |
Publication status | Published - 14 Mar 2019 |