Methodological Issues on Climate Change Mitigation Studies: Contributions from a Case Study

Lene Sørensen, Pedro Castro Borges, Rene Victor Valqui Vidal

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    This paper uses national greenhouse gas emission abatement costing studies as a case to discuss influential factors that determine their outcome and achievement. Costing studies are seen as part of an interconnected whole social process where actors (decision makers, clients, facilitators, experts, etc.) interact to analyse and solve important decision problems by applying methodologies. A simple framework is used to identify several sources of contradictions that may have a significant impact on studies carried out in the single countries as well on the implementation of abatement measures. Some methodological principles are suggested to address such contradictions, structure, and change th einteractions between the different dimensions of hte social process framework. Two studies are mentioned in which ideas are presented on how to deal with the central contradictions. Applying such methodologies to case studies is seen as one way of improving the chances of understanding and handling environmental problems
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages14
    Publication statusPublished - 1999

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