Methodological framework, analytical tool and database for the assessment of climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability in Denmark

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    This report was prepared at the request of and funded by the Coordination Unit for Research in Climate Change Adaptation (KFT). The report is a milestone of the project titled “Udvikling af metodisk ramme for dansk analytisk værktøj og database over klimasårbarhed og klimatilpasning”, funded by KFT. The project is one of seven initiatives proposed by KFT for 2012. The methodology report includes definitions of major concepts, an outline of an analytical structure, a presentation of models and their applicability, and the results of case studies. The work presented in this report draws on intensive research collaboration with several Danish universities and Centres of Excellence, including DMI, GEUS, DHI, Aarhus University, Copenhagen University, and DTU. Work carried out by our research partners has been co-funded by a number of different sponsors, including KFT and the Danish Strategic Research Council. The flood hazard maps presented in this report constitute the first preliminary results of on-going methodological and analysis development in mapping potential impacts in relation to flooding from extreme precipitation in the city of Aarhus. For all purposes the Aarhus flood maps presented in this report should be considered work-in-progress. The analysis was conducted by DHI as part of the DSF project Centre for Regional Change of the Earth System (CRES).
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDTU Management Engineering
    Number of pages38
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    SeriesDTU Management Engineering Report


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