Method and system for estimation and monitoring of distributed network conditions

Theis Bo Rasmussen (Inventor), Guangya Yang (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The present disclosure relates to a method of estimating distribution system conditions in a low-voltage network of a distribution system, said low-voltage network having a plurality of local nodes, wherein one or more of the local nodes comprise distributed energy resources, the method comprising: acquiring periodic measurements of periodic node voltages and/or branch currents from one or more of the local nodes in the low- voltage network, wherein the periodic measurements are acquired periodically with fixed time intervals; acquiring event-driven measurements of event-driven data based on node voltages and/or branch currents from the distributed energy resources and/or other event-driven data sources, wherein the event-driven measurement are acquired when a power operating point and/or other measured quantity changes more than a predefined threshold for one of the distributed energy resources; in a primary process, executing a distribution system state estimation (DSSE) for the low-voltage network based on a data set comprising the periodic measurements; in a secondary process, estimating impacts on the node voltages and/or branch currents in the plurality of local nodes based on the event-driven measurements; wherein the estimated impacts on the node voltages and/or branch currents in the plurality of local nodes from the secondary process are used to update the data set in the primary process. The disclosure further relates to a monitoring system for estimation and monitoring of operating conditions of low-voltage network feeder conditions.

    Original languageEnglish
    IPCH02J 13/ 00 A I
    Patent numberWO2020260257
    Filing date23/06/2020
    Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    Priority date24/06/2019
    Priority numberEP20190182001
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2020


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