A system for polarizing a material to be used in techniques employing magnetic resonance (MR) is provided. The polarizer system includes a cooling chamber having a cryogenic refrigerant (26) therein for use in polarizing a substance (22). A sorption pump (46) is connected to' the cooling chamber to reduce a pressure therein to allow for hyperpolarizing of the sample. The sorption pump is cooled by a refrigeration system (14, 72, 90) to promote molecular adsorption in the sorption pump. The cooling chamber, sorption pump, and refrigeration system are arranged in a closed system.
Original language | English |
IPC | F17C13/00; F25B17/08; F25D19/00; G01R33/30 |
Patent number | WO2008121458 |
Filing date | 09/10/2008 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 02/04/2007 |
Priority number | US20070695411 |
Publication status | Published - 2 Apr 2007 |