Methacrylic azopolymers for holographic storage: A comparison among different polymer types

P. Forcen, L. Oriol, C. Sanchez, F.J. Rodriguez, R. Alcala, Søren Hvilsted, K. Jankova

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The photoinduced anisotropy and volume holographic storage in a series of polymers with different architectures and azo contents of 7% and 20% in weight have been investigated. Measurements of the birefringence (An) induced with nearly polarised 488 nm light show that for polymers with an azo content of 200%, the highest and more stable An values are achieved in copolymers with a di-block architecture. The An induced in polymers with 7 wt% azo content is not stable. Volume holographic polarisation gratings have been stored in the polymers. Only in the case of the di-block copolymer with an azo content of 20% in weight, the stored gratings are stable. A diffraction efficiency higher than 90% and an angular selectivity of 4 degrees have been achieved in gratings with a period of 2 mu m. It can be concluded that the di-block copolymer with 20 wt% azo content is the most suitable, among the studied copolymers, as volume holographic storage material.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Polymer Journal
Issue number8
Pages (from-to)3292-3300
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • azopolymer
  • liquid crystal polymer
  • block copolymer
  • holography


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