Mechanical characterisation of superconducting BSCCO powder and numerical modelling of the OPIT process

Jakob Ilsted Bech, Morten Eriksen, F. Toussaint, P. Doremus, Niels Bay

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Silver/BSCCO composite superconducting tapes are produced using BSCCO-2212 ceramic powder. The manufacturing process implies a large number of forming operations including drawing and rolling. The numerical simulation of the flat rolling process is of a great interest to anticipate the shape of the silver/composite tape. In order to achieve these goals, the plastic properties of superconducting BSCCO-2212 ceramic powder are investigated with three mechanical tests. Results obtained from diametrical, uniaxial and die compaction tests are used to fit the parameters of the Drucker/Prager-Cap plasticity model. Then these data are used to perform the simulation of the wire rolling step.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceed. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress
    EditorsK Kosuge, H. Nagai
    VolumePart 2
    PublisherJapan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy
    Publication date2000
    Publication statusPublished - 2000
    Event2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress - Kyoto, Japan
    Duration: 12 Nov 200016 Nov 2000


    Conference2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress


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