Measuring process performance within healthcare logistics - a decision tool for selecting track and trace technologies

Diana Cordes Feibert, Peter Jacobsen

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    Monitoring tasks and ascertaining quality of work is difficult in a logistical healthcare process due to cleaning personnel being dispersed throughout the hospital. Performance measurement can support the organization in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of processes and in ensuring quality of work. Data validity is essential for enabling performance measurement, and selecting the right technologies is important to achieve this. A case study of the hospital cleaning process was conducted at a public Danish hospital to develop a framework for assessing technologies in healthcare logistics. A set of decision indicators was identified in the case study to assess technologies based on expected process performance. Two aspects of performance measurement were investigated for the hospital cleaning process: what to measure and how to measure it.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalAcademy of Strategic Management Journal
    Pages (from-to)33-57
    Number of pages25
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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