Measuring and Explaining Cognitive Load During Design Activities: A fine-grained approach

Barbara Weber, Manuel Neurauter, Andrea Burattin, Jakob Pinggera, Christopher J. Davis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


Recent advances in neuro–physiological measurements resulted in reliable and objective measures of Cognitive Load (CL), e.g., using pupillary responses. However, continuous measurement of CL in software design activities, e.g., conceptual modeling, has received little attention. In this paper, we present the progress of our work intended to close this gap by continuously measuring cognitive load during design activities. This work aims at advancing our understanding of WHEN and WHY designers face challenges. For this, we attempt to explore and explain the occurrence of CL using fine–granular units of analysis (e.g., type of subtasks, evolution of design artifact’s quality, and manner of technology use). We expect implications for the future development of intelligent software systems, which are aware WHEN a particular designer experiences challenges, but also WHY challenges occur.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInformation Systems and Neuroscience - Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2017
EditorsF. Davis, R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, P.-M. Léger, A.B. Randolph
Number of pages47
Publication date2018
ISBN (Electronic)9783319674315 , 9783319674308
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventGmunden Retreat on NeuroIS - Schloss Ort, Gmunden, Austria
Duration: 12 Jun 201714 Jun 2017


ConferenceGmunden Retreat on NeuroIS
LocationSchloss Ort
SeriesLecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation


  • Business process management
  • Process Modeling
  • Process model creation
  • Eye tracking
  • Cognitive load


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