Measurements and modeling of the wind profile up to 600 meters at a flat coastal site

Ekaterina Batchvarova, Sven-Erik Gryning, Rogier Ralph Floors, Claire Louise Vincent, Alfredo Peña, Torben Mikkelsen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This study shows long-term ABL wind profile features by comparing long-range wind lidar measurements and the output from a mesoscale model. The study is based on one-year pulsed lidar (Wind Cube 70) measurements of wind speed and direction from 100 to 600 meters with vertical resolution of 50 meters and time resolution of 10 minutes at a coastal site on the West coast of Denmark and WRF ARW (NCAR) simulations for the same period. The model evaluation is performed based on wind speed, wind direction, as well as statistical parameters of the Weibull distribution of the wind speed time series as function of height. It is found that 1) WRF is generally under predicting both the profiles of the measured wind speed, direction and power density, 2) the scatter of observations to model results of the wind speed does not change significantly with height between 100 and 600 meters, and 3) the scale (A) and shape (k) parameters of the Weibull dis-tribution above 100 m. The latter signifies that the model suggests a wider distri-bution in the wind speed compared to measurements.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAir Pollution Modeling and its Application XXII
    EditorsDouw G. Steyn, Peter J.H. Builtjes, Renske M.A. Timmermans
    Publication date2014
    ISBN (Print)978-94-007-5576-5
    ISBN (Electronic)978-94-007-5577-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event32nd NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application - Utrecht, Netherlands
    Duration: 7 May 201211 May 2012


    Conference32nd NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application
    SeriesNATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security


    • Wind lidar
    • WRF model evaluation
    • Atmospheric boundary-layer
    • Wind profile
    • Weibull distribution of wind
    • Vertical profiles


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