Mass and charge transport in micro and nanofluidic channels

Niels Asger Mortensen, Laurits Højgaard Olesen, Fridolin Okkels, Henrik Bruus

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    We consider laminar flow of incompressible electrolytes in long, straight channels driven by pressure and electroosmosis. We use aHilbert space eigenfunction expansion to address the general problem of an arbitrary cross section and obtain general results in linear-response theory for the mass and charge transport coefficients that satisfy Onsager relations. In the limit of nonoverlapping Debye layers the transport coefficients are simply expressed in terms of parameters of the electrolyte as well as the hydraulic radiusR ¼ 2A=P with Aand P being the cross-sectional area and perimeter, respectively. In particular, we consider the limits of thin nonoverlapping as well as strongly overlapping Debye layers, respectively, and calculate the corrections to the hydraulic resistance due to electrohydrodynamic interactions.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalNanoscale Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
    Pages (from-to)57-69
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • microfluidics
    • electro-osmotic flow
    • hydraulic resistance
    • nanofluidics
    • transport coefficients


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