Maritime Branch Analysis: A workbook in the PROTEUS series

Krestine Mougaard, Line Maria Neugebauer, Adrià Garcia i Mateu, Jakob Axel Bejbro Andersen, Tim C. McAloone, Juliana Hsuan, Thorkild Ahm

    Research output: Book/ReportBookResearchpeer-review

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    The vast majority of countries in the developed world are now dependent on their service sectors for between 70-80% of their gross domestic product. Even companies with decades of expertise in producing manufactured products are experiencing an increased need to understand before-, during- and after-sales service and have therefore embarked on business development activities that tightly combine product and service offerings in their portfolios. Closer customer contact, commoditisation of goods, total cost of ownership, and product liability are just some of the reasons for this transition. As yet there are only few systematic guidelines and instruments available to aid the development of servitised products. Therefore this series of workbooks. In this first workbook we present an industry sector of great importance and source of wealth to the Danish society, which is also experiencing and influencing a move towards intensified service integration into business- and product development activities. The workbook has been created by condensing the transcripts and the insights we have gained from a wealth of studies across the maritime branch, and it serves to provide a unique insight into a whole industry sector’s readiness and first steps towards servitisation. Although this book is written primarily for our partners on the PROTEUS project, we are sure it can be a source of inspiration to a broad range of practitioners, policy makers, academics and students
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Number of pages87
    ISBN (Print)978-87-90416-87-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    SeriesPROTEUS Workbook series


    • PSS
    • Product development
    • Product life


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