Marine Structures: consuming and producing energy

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    Seventy percent of the surface of our planet Earth is water. This space is of immense importance for maintaining a reasonable standard of living for an ever increasing global population. Utilization of the oceans is vital because: • The oceans have a huge importance for global exchange of goods; the current global trade could not take place without the use of oceans as a transportation medium. • The oceans have large potential for exploration and future cultivation of living resources in the form of fish and plankton. • The oceans and the ocean floors have large reservoirs of raw materials and hydrocarbons. • The oceans receive 70 % of our primary sustainable energy source, i.e. the radiation from the sun; this thermal energy can be harvested in the form of thermal, wind, current or wave energy, salt gradients etc. To exploit these possibilities marine structures are required.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEngineering Challenges : energy, climate change & health
    EditorsCarsten Broder Hansen
    Place of PublicationKgs.Lyngby
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Publication date2009
    ISBN (Print)978-87-985544-4-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    SeriesDTU research series


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