Magnetic Properties of Nanometer-sized Crystalline and Amorphous Particles

Steen Mørup, Franz Bødker, Mikkel Fougt Hansen, Jianzhong Jiang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


Amorphous transition metal-metalloid alloy particles can be prepared by chemical preparation techniques. We discuss the preparation of transition metal-boron and iron-carbon particles and their magnetic properties. Nanometer-sized particles of both crystalline and amorphous magnetic materials are superparamagnetic at finite temperatures. The temperature dependence of the superparamagnetic relaxation time and the influence of inter-particle interactions is discussed. Finally, some examples of studies of surface magnetization of alpha-Fe particles are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Vth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids
Place of PublicationSantiago de Compostela, Spain
PublisherR. Rivas and M.A. Lopez-Quinteia
Publication date1997
Publication statusPublished - 1997


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