Magnetic Field

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEncyclopedia chapterResearchpeer-review


    he Earth has a large and complicated magnetic field, the major part of which is produced by a self-sustaining dynamo operating in the fluid outer core. Magnetic field observations provide one of the few tools for remote sensing the Earth’s deep interior, especially regarding the dynamics of the fluid flow at the top of the core. However, what is measured at or near the surface of the Earth is the superposition of the core field and fields caused by magnetized rocks in the Earth’s crust, by electric currents flowing in the ionosphere, magnetosphere, and oceans, and by currents induced in the Earth by time-varying external fields. These sources have their specific characteristics in terms of spatial and temporal variations, and their proper separation, based on magnetic measurements, is a major challenge. Such a separation is a prerequisite for remote sensing by means of magnetic field observations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Remote Sensing
    EditorsEni G. Njoku
    Publication date2015
    ISBN (Print)9780387366982
    ISBN (Electronic)9780387366999
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    SeriesEncyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series


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