Luminy: Laboratory experiments on breaking waves and air-sea gas transfer

G. de Leeuw, G.J. Kunz, L.H. Cohen, D.K. Woolf, G. Caulliez, L. Jaouen, P.A. Bowyer, I.R.A. Leifer, P.D. Nightingale, M.I. Liddicoat, J.M. Baker, S. Rapsomanikis, T.S. Rhee, S. Hassoud, S.E. Larsen, F.Å. Hansen, S.W. Lund

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearch

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date1997
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    EventInternational Workshop on Greenhouse Gases and Their Role in Climate Change: The status of research in Europe - Orvieto, Italy
    Duration: 10 Nov 199713 Nov 1997


    WorkshopInternational Workshop on Greenhouse Gases and Their Role in Climate Change

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