Low-loss hollow-core silica fibers with adjacent nested anti-resonant tubes

Selim Habib, Ole Bang, Morten Bache

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    We report on numerical design optimization of hollow-core antiresonant fibers with the aim of reducing transmission losses. We show that re-arranging the nested anti-resonant tubes in the cladding to be adjacent has the effect of significantly reducing leakage as well as bending losses, and for reaching high loss extinction ratios between the fundamental mode and higher order modes. We investigate two versions of the proposed design, one optimized for the mid-IR and another scaled down version for the near-IR and compare them in detail with previously proposed antiresonant fiber designs including nested elements. Our proposed design is superior with respect to obtaining the lowest leakage losses and the bend losses are also much lower than for the previous designs. Leakage losses as low as 0.0015 dB/km and bending losses of 0.006 dB/km at 5 cm bending radius are predicted at the ytterbium lasing wavelength 1.06 µm. When optimizing the higher-order-mode extinction ratio, the low leakage loss is sacrificed to get an effective single-mode behavior of the fiber. We show that the higher-order-mode extinction ratio is more than 1500 in the range 1.0-1.1 µm around the ytterbium lasing wavelength, while in the mid-IR it can be over 100 around λ = 2.94 μm. This is higher than the previously considered structures in the literature using nested tubes.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalOptics Express
    Issue number13
    Pages (from-to)17394-17406
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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