Lossless, Near-Lossless, and Refinement Coding of Bi-level Images

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    We present general and unified algorithms for lossy/lossless coding of bi-level images. The compression is realized by applying arithmetic coding to conditional probabilities. As in the current JBIG standard the conditioning may be specified by a template.For better compression, the more general free tree may be used. Loss may be introduced in a preprocess on the encoding side to increase compression. The primary algorithm is a rate-distortion controlled greedy flipping of pixels. Though being general, the algorithms are primarily aimed at material containing halftoned images as a supplement to the specialized soft pattern matching techniques which work better for text. Template based refinement coding is applied for lossy-to-lossless refinement. Introducing only a small amount of loss in halftoned test images, compression is increased by up to a factor of four compared with JBIG. Lossy, lossless, and refinement decoding speed and lossless encoding speed are less than a factor of two slower than JBIG. The (de)coding method is proposed as part of JBIG2, an emerging international standard for lossless/lossy compression of bi-level images.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalI E E E Transactions on Image Processing
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)601-613
    Publication statusPublished - 1999

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