Loop groups and Yang-Mills theory in dimension two

Jens Gravesen*

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Given a connection ω in a G-bundle over S2, then a process called radial trivialization from the poles gives a unique clutching function, i.e., an element γ of the loop group ΩG. Up to gauge equivalence, ω is completely determined by γ and a map f:S2 →g into the Lie algebra. Moreover, the Yang-Mills function of ω is the sum of the energy of γ and the square of a certain norm of f. In particular, the Yang-Mills functional has the same Morse theory as the energy functional on ΩG. There is a similar description of connections in a G-bundle over an arbitrary Riemann surface, but so far not of the Yang-Mills functional.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCommunications in Mathematical Physics
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)597-605
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1990


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