Long-term IEQ Evaluation Metrics Based on Standards and Certification Schemes

Dragos-Ioan Bogatu*, Ongun Berk Kazanci, Daniel Coakley, Bjarne W. Olesen

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    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


    This study assessed metrics available in standards (ISO7730:2006, ASHRAE55:2017, ISO17772:2018, EN16798:2019) and certifications (WELL, BREEAM, LEED, DGNB). A set of measurable IEQ parameters and indicators for short and long-term evaluation were identified. The standards propose certain parameters: operative temperature, CO2 concentration, illuminance, noise and RH directly as KPIs, while combining certain parameters in KPIs such as predicted mean vote (PMV), predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) and percentage dissatisfied. Although the metrics are clearly defined, there is no clear methodology for benchmarking, neither one single indicator for assessing the IEQ. Thus, an assessment on a real set of measurements built upon the findings could determine indicators’ applicability with the aim of creating an IEQ benchmarking methodology for buildings while highlighting a relationship between KPIs and energy use.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2020
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2020
    EventCIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2020 - Online
    Duration: 14 Sept 202015 Sept 2020


    ConferenceCIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2020


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