Local analytical sensitivity analysis for design of continua with optimized 3D buckling behavior

Niels Leergaard Pedersen*, Pauli Pedersen

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    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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    The localized analytical sensitivity for eigenfrequency is extended to the non-linear problem of 3D continuum buckling analysis. Implemented in a finite element approach the inherent complexity of mode switching and multiple eigenvalues is found not to be a practical problem. The number of necessary redesigns is of the order 10-20 as illustrated by a specific example, where also different cases of stiffness interpolation are exemplified.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)293–304
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Analytical
    • Buckling
    • FE
    • Optimization
    • Sensitivities


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