Lithographically defined quantum dot with subwavelength confinement of light

George Kountouris, Anne Sofie Darket, Lea Vestergaard, Emil Vosmar Denning, Jesper Mørk, Philip Trøst Kristensen

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We propose an optical cavity with deep subwavelength confinement of light in a region that simultaneously works as a quantum dot. The design is based on a dielectric membrane with a buried quantum well and restricts the electron and hole wave functions to the area of the optical hotspot to overcome the challenge of colocating an optical cavity with a quantum emitter. Combined with proper surface passivation, this geometry points towards the deterministic fabrication of functional quantum dots in optical cavities by lithographic means.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberL241301
JournalPhysical Review B
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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