Liquid Crystals and Photonic Bandgap Fiber Components

Johannes Weirich, Lei Wei, Lara Scolari, Anders Overgaard Bjarklev, Thomas Tanggaard Alkeskjold

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


    Liquid Crystal(LC)filled Photonic Crystal Fibers(PCFs) represent a promising platform for the design and the fabrication of tunable all-in fiber devices. Tunability is achieved by varying the refractive index of the LC thermally, optically or electrically. In this contribution we present important parts of the LC theory as well as an application of a LC infiltrated PCF subject to an external electrostatic field. The fiber is placed between two electrodes and the voltage is increased step by step leading to the reorientation of the LC in the fiber capillaries. This mechanism can be used to produce a swichable polarizer, and an on chip LC photonic bandgap fiber polarimeter is presented, which admits strong attenuation of one polarization direction while the other one is nearly unaffected.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2007
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventDanish Optical Society annual meeting 2007 - Forskningscenter Risø, Risø, Denmark
    Duration: 22 Nov 200723 Nov 2007


    ConferenceDanish Optical Society annual meeting 2007
    LocationForskningscenter Risø


    • Crystal fiber
    • liquid crystal
    • bandgap
    • fiber components


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