Linking water treatment practices and fish welfare

Claire Zubiaurre, Lars-Flemming Pedersen

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Peracetic acids can be used as sanitizers to control water quality in aquaculture systems. As an alternative to formalin, chloramine-T or copper sulphate, PAA has strong anti-microbial effects, degrades quickly and is relatively safe to use. Its mode of action and associated rapid decay can make optimizing treatment protocols a challenge. Continuous low-dose applications seem to be a promising solution. In this preliminary study behavioral response was used to assess potential correlations with PAA dosage. A behavioral change or response is not necessarily an indication of compromised welfare. Supportive enzymatic, biochemical and physiological biomarkers can be used along with gill and epidermal histological measures to evaluate the effects on water treatment regimens. The ultimate goal is to define the therapeutic window where fish welfare is not compromised.PAA is among the few disinfectants approved for organic aquaculture.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAnimal Health & Welfare
Pages (from-to)1-6
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Production systems
  • Health and welfare
  • Aquaculture


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