Light-field imaging based on tilt-aberration

Hugh Simons (Inventor), Mario Alejandro Beltran (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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Disclosed is a method for obtaining a transverse phase gradient of a wave field from at least a first and a second wavefield intensity map comprising the steps of; capturing at a first incoherent tilt aberration said first wave field intensity map of a target at a first degree of incoherent tilt aberration, using a filter positioned between a source of electromagnetic radiation and an electromagnetic radiation detector capturing said first wave field intensity map; capturing at a second and different incoherent tilt aberration said second wave field intensity map of said target at a second degree of incoherent tilt aberration, using a filter positioned between a source of electromagnetic radiation and an electromagnetic radiation detector capturing said second wave field intensity map; determining said transverse phase gradient on the basis of at least a difference of logarithms of wavefield intensity maps divided by the magnitude of the difference between said first incoherent tilt aberration and said second incoherent tilt aberration. An imaging system, a computer program product and a use of the method is further disclosed. 

Original languageEnglish
IPCG03H 1/ 08 A I
Patent numberWO2023165667
Filing date01/03/2022
Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Priority date01/03/2022
Priority numberEP20220159440
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2023


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