Life cycle assessment of advanced waste water treatment: Micropollutant removal - ozonation as example

Henrik Fred Larsen (Invited author), Peter Augusto Hansen (Invited author)

    Research output: Non-textual formSound/Visual production (digital)Research


    The EU FP6 NEPTUNE project is related to the EU Water Framework Directive and the main goal is to develop new and optimize existing waste water treatment technologies (WWTT) and sludge handling methods for municipal waste water. Besides nutrients, a special focus area is micropollutants (e.g. pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and endocrine disrupters). As part of this work a holistic based prioritisation among technologies and optimisations is to be done. Tools for this prioritisation include life cycle assessment (LCA) and cost/efficiency. The LCA is performed as a comparative LCA and the concept of induced impacts as compared to avoided impacts is introduced in the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) part. Furthermore, as novel approaches, potential ecotoxicity impact from a high number of micropollutants and the potential impact from pathogens (and whole effluent toxicity) are to be included. In total more that 20 different waste water and sludge treatment technologies are to be assessed. This paper will present the preliminary LCA results from running the induced versus avoided impact approach (mainly based on existing LCIA methodology) on one of the advanced treatment technologies, i.e. ozonation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2009
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventWater Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants Workshop: Measures to Minimize River Contamination by WWTP Discharges - Federal Institute of Hydrology (bfg), Koblenz, Germany
    Duration: 21 Apr 200922 Apr 2009


    WorkshopWater Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants Workshop: Measures to Minimize River Contamination by WWTP Discharges
    LocationFederal Institute of Hydrology (bfg)


    • LCA, LCIA, waste water, environmental sustainability, ozonation, pharmaceuticals, sand filtration


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