Lidar based on mems

Jørgen Korsgaard Jensen (Inventor), Peter John Rodrigo (Inventor), Christian Pedersen (Inventor), Qi Hu (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A system for measuring velocity of particles such as particles in air is a Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) system, having a micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS).
    Original languageEnglish
    IPCG01S 17/ 95 A I
    Patent numberUS20190041524
    Filing date21/12/2015
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    Priority date19/12/2014
    Priority numberEP20140199178
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Feb 2019

    Bibliographical note

    Also Published as: CA2971304A1; CN107209267A; EP3234642A2; WO2016097409A2; WO2016097409A3;US2019041524A1


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