Large magnetic entropy change and low hysteresis loss in the Nd- and Co-doped La(Fe,Si)13 compounds

Jun Shen, Yang-Zian Li, Jian Zhang, Bo Gao, Feng-Xia Hu, Hong-Wei Zhang, Yunzhong Chen, Chuan-Bing Rong, Ji-Rong Sun

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The effect of Nd and Co substitution on magnetic entropy changes and hysteresis losses has been investigated for the cubic NaZn13-type LaFe13−x Sixcompounds. Partially replacing La with Nd leads to a decrease of the Curie temperatureTC and an increase of the magnetic entropy change ΔS. Substitution of Co for Fe in La0.7Nd0.3Fe10.5Si1.5 can adjust TC to around room temperature. A large ΔS of 15J∕KgK at TC=280K for a field change from 0to5T and a small hysteresis loss close to zero near TC have been obtained in La0.7Nd0.3Fe10.7Co0.8Si1.5. The Co-doped NaZn13-type LaNdFeSi compounds may be a suitable candidate for magnetic refrigerant near room temperature.
Original languageEnglish
Article number07B317
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number7
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes


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