Laboratory setup for incremental forming at IPL

Dave Young, Jan Lasson Andreasen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


    In late 2003 the department enjoyed a visit from Professor Jack Jeswiet from Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Jack as one of the pioneers in Single_Point_Incremental_Forming convinced us to start activities in this field at IPL, joining knowledge and facilities of the forming and machining laboratories. A laboratory equipment was developed during spring 2004 with our Cincinatti CNC milling machine as basis. The first obstacle to overcome was to establish a possibility for running CNC programs larger than capacity of the memory in the CNC controller of the milling machine. A solution was found were a Desktop PC is connected to the machine serving as program buffer for uploading to the machine. This solution also makes life easier when downloading programs for the machine since the PC is connected to the LAN-net. A dedicated software package “CEMCO” for handling the communication between PC and CNC controller was purchased. In this process the agent Peter Jensen Phone 45 85 60 50 and consultant Per Kruse 48 18 48 28 from Camsys System was involved. In order to boost our starting up Dave Young a former student of Jack’s came and stayed with us during April-May 2004. The present report is a collection of the work done by Dave in cooperation with Lars P. Holmbæck, Jan L. Andreasen and Niels Bay during his 1 month stay here. The work has been concentrated on following subjects: 1. Design and construction of a rig for SPIF for our Cincinatti CNC milling machine 2. Establishment of methods for generating tool paths using available CAD/CAM facilties 3. Handing over knowledge from Queen’s to the laboratory staff of IPL.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherInstitut for Produktion og Ledelse, DTU
    Number of pages50
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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