Knowledge Map of Facilities Management

Suvi Nenonen, Per Anker Jensen, Göran Lindahl

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Purpose This paper aims to draft a knowledge map of the fragmented and multidisciplinary research of and relevant to FM. Facilities management knowledge map is a tool for presenting what relevant data and knowledge, a.k.a. knowledge, resides in different disciplines. Knowledge mapping is a step in creating an inventory of knowledge (i.e. the knowledge base) and developing/improving the processes of knowledge sharing in research, education and practice.
    Theory Knowledge mapping is discussed in terms of knowledge management. The research is connected to knowledge mapping in the facilities management profession, research and education. The knowledge map aims to contrast perspectives on how to map interdisciplinary research.
    Design/methodology/approach The Knowledge map is based on classification of 83 articles, including volume 2013 of Facilities (40 articles) and of Journal of Facilities Management (21 articles) and all volumes (2010-2013) of International Journal of Facility Management (22 articles), except 2013, issue 3.
    Findings. The Knowledge map integrates eight different disciplines. Management is still the dominant discipline followed by engineering.
    Originality/value. Based on knowledge maps both the research community and FM-practitioners can develop new models for identifying knowledge needs and gaps and to improve knowledge sharing and knowledge flow and thus the fulfilment of their mission and goals. Knowledge maps can also help in organizing research activities and analysing of the related flow and impact of knowledge
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPromoting Innovation in FM. Research Papers. Advancing knowledge in FM
    EditorsK. Alexander
    Number of pages12
    Publication date2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event13th EuroFM Research Symposium - Berlin, Germany
    Duration: 4 Jun 20146 Jun 2014
    Conference number: 13


    Conference13th EuroFM Research Symposium


    • Facilities management
    • Knowledge management
    • Knowledge mapping
    • Disciplines
    • Interdisciplinary


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