Kalibrering af partielle sikkerhedsfaktorer for udmattelse af vindmøllerotorer

Carl Jørgen Christensen, K.O. Ronold, M.L. Thøgersen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    The report describes a calibration of partial safety factors for wind turbine rotor blades subjected to fatigue loading in flapwise and edgewise bending. While earlier models - developed by the authors - dealt with such calibrations for site-specificindividual turbines only, the calibration model applied herein covers an integrated analysis with different turbines on different sites and with different blade materials. The result is an optimized set of partial safety factors, i.e. a set of safetyfactors that lead to minimum deviation from the target reliability of the achieved reliabilities over the selected scope of turbines, sites and materials. The turbines included in the study cover rated powers of 450-600 kW. The results from thecalibration are discussed in relation to the partial safety factors that are given in the Danish codes for design of glass fibre reinforced rotor blades (DS 472 and DS 456).
    Original languageDanish
    Number of pages37
    ISBN (Print)87-550-2742-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2000
    SeriesDenmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R


    • Risø-R-1204
    • Risø-R-1204(DA)

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