Juno's Multi-Instruments Observations During the Flybys of Auroral Bright Spots in Jupiter's Polar Aurorae

K. Haewsantati*, B. Bonfond, S. Wannawichian*, G. R. Gladstone, V. Hue, T. K. Greathouse, D. Grodent, Z. Yao, J. C. Gérard, R. Guo, S. Elliott, B. H. Mauk, G. Clark, D. Gershman, S. Kotsiaros, W. S. Kurth, J. Connerney, J. R. Szalay, A. Phriksee

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Juno's arrival at Jupiter in 2016 revealed unprecedented details about Jupiter's ultraviolet aurorae thanks to its unique suite of remote sensing and in situ instruments. Here we present results from in situ observations during Juno flybys above specific bright auroral spots in Jupiter's polar aurora. We compare data observed by Juno-UVS, JEDI, JADE, Waves, and MAG instruments when Juno was magnetically connected to bright polar auroral spots (or their immediate vicinity) during perijove 3 (PJ3), PJ15, and PJ33. The highly energetic particles observed by JEDI show enhancements dominated by upward electrons, which suggests that the particle acceleration region takes place below the spacecraft. Moreover, brightness and upward particle flux were higher for the northern bright spot in PJ3 than the southern spots found in PJ15 and PJ33. In addition, we notice the intensification of whistler-mode waves at the time of the particle enhancements, suggesting that wave-particle interactions contribute to the acceleration of particles that cause the UV aurorae. The MAG data reveal magnetic perturbations during the PJ3 spot detection by Juno, which suggests the presence of significant field-aligned electric currents. While the stable positions of the bright spots in System III suggest that the phenomenon is fixed to the planet's rotation, the presence of field-aligned currents leaves the possibility of an origin rooted much farther in the magnetosphere.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2023JA031396
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Issue number8
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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