Prussian Blue Modified Graphene Enable Multifunctional Electrochemical Application

Minwei Zhang, Arnab Halder, Chengyi Hou, Qijin Chi

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Graphene based nanomaterials have been a hot topic since 2004. These materials have shownsome notable advantages, including large surface areas, high flexibility and reasonably good conductivityand mechanical strength, suitable for a wide range of electrochemical applications from sensors to energytechnologies. In this presentation, we have explored the combination of redox active Prussian Blue (PB)nanostructures (e.g., core-shell Gold@Prussian Blue (Au@PB) nanoparticles (NPs) and interlocked PBnanocubes) with chemically exfoliated graphene to prepare multifunctional composites as electrochemicalcatalysts and supercapacitor electrode materials. Those nanocomposites were systematically characterizedby AFM, SEM, TEM and XPS. The results confirmed all PB nanostructures were well combined withgraphene nanosheets. Furthermore, PB nanostructure functionalized graphene materials were fabricatedinto disposable paper sensors and supercapacitor electrodes. For example, Au@PBNPs hybrid grapheneoxide suspension was filtered via layer-by-layer into functional GO paper, which was further convertedinto electrically conductive reduced GO (RGO)/Au@PB paper via hydrazine vapour reduction. Thewhole procedure is outlined schematically in Fig. 1. Resulting sandwich functionalized graphene papershave sufficient conductivity and flexibility, and robust mechanical strength, which can be cut into freestandingelectrodes. Such electrodes with the advantages of low cost and scalable production capacity, forexample used as non-enzymatic electrochemical sensors, are of particular interest in the areas of flexible,disposable, simple and low-cost sensors.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2016
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: Electrochemistry: from Sense to Sustainability - World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands
Duration: 21 Aug 201626 Aug 2016


Conference67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry
LocationWorld Forum
CityThe Hague
Internet address


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