Iodine content in bread and salt in Denmark after iodization and the influence on iodine intake

Lone Banke Rasmussen, Lars Ovesen, Tue Christensen, Pia Knuthsen, Erik Huusfeldt Larsen, Niels Lyhne Andersen, Bolette Okholm, Erling Saxholt

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Objective To measure the iodine content in bread and household salt in Denmark after mandatory iodine fortification was introduced and to estimate the increase in iodine intake due to the fortification. Design The iodine content in rye breads, wheat breads and salt samples was assessed. The increase in iodine intake from fortification of bread and the increase in total iodine intake after fortification were estimated. Subjects Iodine intake before and after fortification was estimated based on dietary intake data from 4,124 randomly selected Danish subjects. Main results Approximately 98% of the rye breads and 90% of the wheat breads were iodized. The median iodine intake from bread increased by 25 ( 13-43) mu g/day and the total median iodine intake increased by 63 (36-104) mu g/day. Conclusions The fortification of bread and salt has resulted in a desirable increase in iodine intake, and the current fortification level of salt ( 13 ppm) seems reasonable.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)231-239
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • iodine fortification
  • iodine intake
  • Denmark
  • salt


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