Investigation of the degradation mechanisms of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices by combination of imaging techniques—the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration

Roland Rösch, David Tanenbaum, Mikkel Jørgensen, Marco Seeland, Maik Bärenklau, Martin Hermenau, Eszter Voroshazi, Matthew T. Lloyd, Yulia Galagan, Birger Zimmermann, Uli Würfel, Markus Hösel, Henrik Friis Dam, Suren Gevorgyan, Suleyman Kudret, Wouter Maes, Laurence Lutsen, Dirk Vanderzande, Ronn Andriessen, Gerardo Teran-EscobarMonica Lira-Cantu, Agnes Rivaton, Gülsah Y. Uzunoglu, David Germack, Birgitta Andreasen, Morten Vesterager Madsen, Kion Norrman, Harald Hoppe, Frederik C Krebs

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The investigation of degradation of seven distinct sets (with a number of individual cells of n $ 12) of
state of the art organic photovoltaic devices prepared by leading research laboratories with
a combination of imaging methods is reported. All devices have been shipped to and degraded at Risø
DTU up to 1830 hours in accordance with established ISOS-3 protocols under defined illumination
conditions. Imaging of device function at different stages of degradation was performed by laser-beam
induced current (LBIC) scanning; luminescence imaging, specifically photoluminescence (PLI) and
electroluminescence (ELI); as well as by lock-in thermography (LIT). Each of the imaging techniques
exhibits its specific advantages with respect to sensing certain degradation features, which will be
compared and discussed here in detail. As a consequence, a combination of several imaging techniques
yields very conclusive information about the degradation processes controlling device function. The
large variety of device architectures in turn enables valuable progress in the proper interpretation of
imaging results—hence revealing the benefits of this large scale cooperation in making a step forward in
the understanding of organic solar cell aging and its interpretation by state-of-the-art imaging methods.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEnergy & Environmental Science
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)6521-6540
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

This work has been supported by the Danish Strategic Research Council (2104-07-0022), EUDP ( 64009-0050) and the Danish National Research Foundation. Partial financial support was also received from the European Commission as part of the
Framework 7 ICT 2009 collaborative project HIFLEX (grant no. 248678), partial financial support from the EU Indian framework of the ‘‘Largecells’’ project that received funding from the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013. grant no. 261936), partial financial support was also received from the European Commission as part of the
Framework 7 ICT 2009 collaborative project ROTROT (grant no. 288565) and from PVERA-NET (project acronym POLYSTAR).
To the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MICINN-FEDER project ENE2008-04373, to the Consolider NANOSELECT project CSD2007-00041, to the Xarxa de Referencia en Materials Avanc¸ats per a l’Energia, XaRMAE of the Catalonia Government (Spain). To CONACYT (Mexico) for the PhD scholarship awarded to GT-E. DMT acknowledges support from the Inger and Jens Bruun Foundation through The American–Scandinavian Foundation.


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