Investigation of the aerodynamic interaction between wind-turbine rotor blades and the tower and its impact on wind turbine design (ROTOW). Work package 2 report. Risø contribution
title = "Investigation of the aerodynamic interaction between wind-turbine rotor blades and the tower and its impact on wind turbine design (ROTOW). Work package 2 report. Ris{\o} contribution",
keywords = "Vindenergi og atmosf{\ae}riske processer",
T1 - Investigation of the aerodynamic interaction between wind-turbine rotor blades and the tower and its impact on wind turbine design (ROTOW). Work package 2 report. Risø contribution
AU - Johansen, J.
AU - Bak, Christian
PY - 2000
Y1 - 2000
KW - Vindenergi og atmosfæriske processer
M3 - Report
BT - Investigation of the aerodynamic interaction between wind-turbine rotor blades and the tower and its impact on wind turbine design (ROTOW). Work package 2 report. Risø contribution