Investigation of process parameters influence on flash formation in injection moulding of polymer micro features through design of experiments

Abdelkhalik Eladl, Guido Tosello, Rania Mostafa, Hassan Soltan, Hans Nørgaard Hansen

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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    Micro injection moulding is one of the key technologies for micro manufacture due to its mass-production capability and relatively low component cost. Flash defects are among the most critical issues in the replication of micro features and constitute a manufacturing constrain in applying injection moulding in a range of micro engineering applications. In the present research the effects of four processing parameters on the amount of flash on a micro finger test structure were investigated using two different polymer materials and applying DOE approach. In particular, the following process parameters were considered: injection speed, holding pressure, melt temperature and mould temperature. The study revealed that for the materials with lower viscosity the injection speed, followed by barrel temperature, are the most influential parameters for increasing the amount of flash. On the other hand, barrel temperature, injection velocity, and mould temperature resulted as the most influential parameters for increasing the flash amount when moulding with high viscosity materials. Conversely, the holding pressure did not have a clear effect on the flash amount.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2017
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Eventeuspen’s 17th International Conference & Exhibition - Hannover Congress Centre, Hannover, Germany
    Duration: 29 May 20172 Jun 2017


    Conferenceeuspen’s 17th International Conference & Exhibition
    LocationHannover Congress Centre


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