Investigation of piston ring – cylinder liner dry wear using a block-on-ring test rig

Uffe Bihlet, Peder Klit, Christian L. Felter, Anders Vølund

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    Characterization of the wear of piston rings and cylinder liner is an important aspect of large two stroke diesel engine design. Two major wear mechanisms exist; corrosive wear and mechanical wear. This paper deals with the most aggressive form of the latter, which is known as scuffing. Different material combinations for piston rings and cylinder liners are examined using a block-on-ring test rig. An accelerated wear test run without lubricant is used. Results show that the morphology of cast iron is an important parameter affecting the wear resistance of the material. It is also demonstrated that ceramic coating on the piston ring decreases the dry wear rate of both piston ring and liner, while the coefficient of friction is increased.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2010
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    EventNORDTRIB 2010: Nordic Tribology Conference - Luleå University of Technology, Storforsen, Sweden
    Duration: 8 Jun 201011 Jun 2010


    ConferenceNORDTRIB 2010
    LocationLuleå University of Technology


    • Cylinder liner
    • Piston ring
    • Dry wear
    • Scuffing


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