Investigation of phase-wise voltage regulator control logics for compensating voltage deviations in an experimental low voltage network

Junjie Hu, Antonio Zecchino, Mattia Marinelli

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    This paper investigates the control logics of an on-load tap-changer (OLTC) transformer by means of an experimental system validation. The experimental low-voltage unbalanced system consists of a decoupled single-phase OLTC transformer, a 75-metre 16 mm2 cable, a controllable single-phase resistive load and an electric vehicle, which has the vehicle-to-grid function. Three control logics of the OLTC transformer are described in the study. The three control logics are classified based on their control objectives and control inputs, which include network currents and voltages, and can be measured either locally or remotely. To evaluate and compare the control performances of the three control logics, all the tests use the same loading profiles. The experimental results indicate that the modified line compensation control can regulate voltage in a safe band in the case of various load and generation conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalElectric Power Components and Systems
    Issue number19
    Pages (from-to)2133-2142
    Number of pages23
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • On-load tap-changer
    • Power transformer
    • Voltage control
    • Unbalanced system


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    • ESVM: Energy Saving by Voltage Management

      Marinelli, M. (Project Participant), Bindner, H. W. (Project Participant), Hu, J. (Project Participant) & Zecchino, A. (Project Participant)


      Project: Research

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