Investigation of an angular spectrum approach for pulsed ultrasound fields

Yigang Du, Henrik Jensen, Jørgen Arendt Jensen

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    An Angular Spectrum Approach (ASA)is formulated and employed to simulate linear pulsed ultra sound fields for high bandwidth signals. Ageometrically focused piston transducer is used as the acoustic
    source. Signals are cross-correlated to findthe true sound speed during the measurement to make the simulated and measured pulses in phase for comparisons. The calculated sound speed in the measurement is varied between 1487.45 m/s and 1487.75 m/s by using different initial values in the ASA simulation. Results from the pulsed ASA simulation susing both Field II simulated and hydrophone measured acoustic sources are compared to the Field II simulated and hydroph one measure dpulses, respectively. The total relative root mean squar e(RMS)errors of the pulsed ASA are investigated by using different time-point, zero-padding factors, spatial sampling interval and temporal sampling frequency in the sim ulation. Optim al parameters for the ASA are found in the simulation .The RMS error of the ASA simulation is reduced from 10.9% to 2.4% for the optimal parameters when comparing to Field II simulation s. The comparison between the ASA calculated and measured pulses are illustrated and the corresponding RMS error is 25.4%.
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number11
    Pages (from-to)1185-1191
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Angular spectrum approach
    • Pulsed ultrasound field
    • Field II
    • Ambient sound speed approximation


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